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Introducing Kieu Duong

Kieu Duong Construction and Interior Co., Ltd. is confident to be the number 1 choice for customers when they have needs for interior design and construction.

Every step in a project, we have our own strengths, different from other companies in the same field, ensuring customer satisfaction…

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Kieu Duong Construction and Interior Co., Ltd. is confident to be the number 1 choice for customers when they have needs for interior design and construction.
Every step in a project, we have our own strengths, different from other companies in the same field, ensuring customer satisfaction…

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Careful and meticulous consultation

More than 500 customers have trusted and used our services…

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Free Concept Quote

It’s completely free to receive a quote from our Concept.

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No production through intermediaries

We invest in furniture factories without intermediaries…

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Scientific working process

Honesty, coherence, and clarity are essential requirements when working with customers.

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Strict project estimates

Our estimate table is very close and strict to each item…

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Design close to reality

Depending on customer needs, we design to be most practical and useful.

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Over 500 satisfied customers; >200 dream houses; >20 partners in the same field; > 8 years of professional experience and TOP 10 Prestigious Interior Design Companies…

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